
Management Systems Policies

Our Quality Policy

For us, ‘QUALITY’ means meeting our customers’ expectations and contractual requirements with high performance and ensuring customer satisfaction. Our Quality Policy is; Providing services with awareness of our responsibilities to society and the environment, Contributing to the country’s economy by creating employment, Carrying out activities necessary to keep customer satisfaction at the highest level, Acting in compliance with the legal regulations we are responsible for within the scope of our activities, Managing our processes, which are designed in accordance with international standards and legal regulations, with innovative services and technologies, Ensuring the continuity of a working culture that combines the suggestions, experiences, and imagination of all our employees in line with our continuous improvement goal and achieving employee satisfaction, Encouraging innovative and creative approaches, developing the technical and personal competencies of our employees through training, supporting them in adapting to technological developments, Being aware that trust is a great capital and trying to increase this capital day by day. Tempo commits to providing all resources ethically for the realization of these goals that will contribute to its employees, customers, shareholders, and the country, and to continuous improvement and development.

Our Information Security and Privacy Management System Policy

As Tempo, the aim of our Information Security and Privacy Management System that we maintain is;

  • Protecting the confidentiality and integrity of information belonging to all parties,
  • Keeping access to information and information assets under control,
  • Ensuring compliance with legal regulations and contractual clauses within the scope of Information Security and Privacy Management Systems,
  • Minimizing risks that threaten information security and privacy,
  • Minimizing the impacts of information security and privacy violation incidents,
  • Ensuring business continuity,
  • Raising information security awareness among all parties,
  • Minimizing service and production losses.

To achieve the goals of the Information Security and Privacy Management Systems;

  • Monitoring and continuously improving the effectiveness of the system by conducting audits in accordance with ISO 27001 and ISO 27701,
  • Providing information security and privacy awareness training to relevant parties,
  • Identifying our information security and privacy risks with relevant parties and taking measures for those above acceptable levels,
  • Measuring the effectiveness of our information security and privacy awareness activities,
  • Operating approval and registration mechanisms for access rights,
  • Preparing business continuity plans and ensuring the functioning of the plans with the principle of “safety first” by taking backups and conducting drills,
  • Establishing systems that comply with the legal regulations and contractual conditions of Information Security and Privacy Management Systems and monitoring the compliance rate,
  • Following technical/technological developments and adapting them to our systems if needed,
  • Adhering to the rules of Information Security and Privacy Management Systems during mandatory changes in working conditions (such as force majeure) and/or sectoral trends,
  • Evaluating information security and privacy violation incidents and taking measures for their impacts,
  • Monitoring service losses/interruptions,
  • Providing necessary resources,
  • Evaluating opportunities,
  • Committing to review the update of this policy and the information security and privacy management systems every 6 months.

Our Customer Feedback Policy

To increase customer satisfaction, TempoBPO:

  • Fully understands the needs of its customers, establishes methods and practices to meet these needs with the highest quality,
  • Conducts Customer Satisfaction Surveys to measure how well customer requests are met and the extent to which the provided service meets customer needs,
  • Identifies areas for improvement based on the results of these surveys and takes actions accordingly,
  • Analyzes the impact of the actions taken in the next customer satisfaction survey.

Through these practices, we aim to increase our service quality with the principle of continuous improvement, be stronger than our competitors in market competition, and enhance our brand reputation. The satisfaction, complaints, and suggestions of our customers regarding our products and services are collected as feedback through surveys, customer visits, phone calls, and social media tools, etc.

Feedback can also be submitted through the form on the contact section of our website or by sending an email to, and information regarding the status of your feedback can be obtained. For the effective evaluation of corporate customer complaints, contact information, information about the complained service and its date, correction request, and any related attachments are requested from the customer.
Tempo BPO, in accordance with the principles of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction, responds to, prioritizes, evaluates, informs the customer, monitors the status of, and closes corporate customer complaints in the shortest time possible, in compliance with the principles of Transparency, Objectivity, and Confidentiality. This process is clear and easily accessible to the customer.
In cases where agreement cannot be reached with the customer on the resolution of the complaint, the customer has the right to resort to external solutions within the framework of contracts and laws. All corporate customer complaints are regularly reviewed, the customer complaint management system is audited, and efforts are made to improve the system by monitoring its performance. Tempo BPO has held the “ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System” certificate since 2012.

Our Environmental Policy

As Tempo BPO, we care about our future and work today for a sustainable world with the legacy we will leave for future generations. As Tempo BPO, we manage our processes to reduce our resource use and control our consumption with the most efficient uses to achieve the sustainability goals we have adopted within the scope of the services we provide, and we reduce our carbon footprint in line with our goals.
Our Environmental Policy is based on respect for people and the environment they live in. Tempo shows the same care in evaluating its environmental impacts as it does in its processes for customer satisfaction.
The Environment is Also Our Customer!
Everyone is obliged to do what is necessary for a sustainable environment within their authority and capabilities. To achieve our environmental goals;

  • Reducing resource use with our Digital Transformation projects,
  • Protecting the environment and carrying out activities to ensure a livable environment for future generations,
  • Analyzing our environmental risks and taking action to reduce our environmental impacts,
  • Working to reduce the environmental impacts of our operations and contributing to the prevention of environmental pollution,
  • Complying with the legal regulations we are subject to within the scope of our activities,
  • Taking action to continuously improve the performance of the Environmental Management System by monitoring it,

We commit to this. We share our goals with all our stakeholders and commit to leaving a livable world behind while moving forward with more confident steps into the future together with them.

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

The Occupational Health and Safety Policy that we have adopted as Tempo BPO is based on respect for people and the environment they live in. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is a top priority in all areas where TEMPO operates, and this understanding is expressed with the slogan “protect your health, protect your job”. To ensure a safe and healthy working environment, all our employees are obliged to do what is necessary in their conditions. One of our most important goals is to protect all our employees and the environment we are in from potential risks. In this direction;

  • Taking all necessary measures and ensuring their use to ensure the health and safety of employees, subcontractors, visitors, and company personnel working outside the workplace in accordance with OHS requirements at the workplace and its extensions,
  • Identifying and eliminating unsafe conditions and actions that could cause work accidents and occupational diseases, as well as possible accident risks, by conducting effective risk assessments at the workplace and its extensions,
  • Evaluating the suitability of the working environment through audits and providing information flow to the relevant units for necessary measures, and developing specific studies on the risks of the sectors in which we provide services,
  • Identifying risks that may cause work accidents and occupational diseases in the workplace and ensuring the health, safety, and social welfare of employees, visitors, subcontractors at all levels, and reducing any future material and moral losses that may arise for them and their families,
  • Training our employees in occupational health and safety and ensuring that they reach a good level of OHS awareness,
  • Ensuring that subcontractors and visitors providing services at the workplace comply with the occupational health and safety rules set by TEMPO,
  • Identifying what needs to be done in emergencies and reducing the impacts of potential events,
  • Complying with legal regulations and arrangements related to OHS,
  • Making TEMPO an exemplary company in terms of OHS practices before affiliated institutions and associations,
  • Sharing experiences mutually and organizing board meetings to ensure the continuous development of our OHS management,
  • Considering the development of the industrial world, predicting possible future situations from today, continuously improving, and reviewing our position,
  • Ensuring the continuity of our OHS Management System established and maintained in this direction,
  • Ensuring the participation of all levels of the organization and our stakeholders in the improvement efforts of occupational health and safety practices,

We commit this as our OHS policy.

Our Business Continuity Management System Policy

As Tempo BPO, we aim to ensure life safety as a first priority in disasters and emergencies within the scope of our Business Continuity Management (BCM) system, which we have established and maintain by taking into account our Life Purpose.
All our employees are obliged to act in accordance with the Business Continuity Management policy. Business continuity-related incidents are reported to the designated person(s) within the Communication Chain.
This policy, in compliance with the ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management standard, includes the following;

  • Preparing, implementing, conducting drills, and reviewing plans within the scope of the Business Continuity Management System,
  • Conducting training and awareness activities within the scope of Business Continuity,
  • Our commitment to monitoring and continuously improving the system as management,

To achieve the goals of the BCM, as Senior Management, we;

  • Prepare business continuity plans, ensure the functioning of the plans with the principle of “safety first” by taking backups and conducting drills, and make necessary adjustments to working conditions when required,
  • Monitor and continuously improve the effectiveness of the system by conducting audits in accordance with ISO 22301,
  • Provide business continuity awareness training to relevant parties,
  • Establish systems that comply with the legal regulations and contractual conditions of our activities and monitor the compliance rate,
  • Follow sector trends and technical/technological developments and adapt them to our systems if needed,
  • Evaluate business continuity-related incidents and take measures for their impacts,
  • Monitor and plan actions to reduce production losses/interruptions and implement them,
  • Provide necessary resources to use the BCM effectively and efficiently,
  • Evaluate necessary opportunities to use the BCM effectively and efficiently,
  • Commit to reviewing the update of this policy and the business continuity management system annually.
  • TempoBPO commits to providing the necessary resources for the realization of these goals that will contribute to its employees, customers, shareholders, and the country, and to continuous improvement and development.

Our Call Center Management Policy

Tempo BPO, within the scope of the certification received under the “ISO 18295_1 Customer contact centers – Part 1: Requirements for customer contact centers” standard, ensures standard compliance as follows;

  • Fully understands the needs of its customers and establishes methods and practices to meet these needs with the highest quality. Monitors performance with KPIs to measure how well customer requests are met, compliance with relevant regulations/standards, and their continuity,
  • Regularly evaluates customer satisfaction survey results,
  • Follows the development and engagement of its employees with Employee Experience practices,
  • Processes the information of all parties in accordance with confidentiality requirements and takes measures to protect customers and comply with ethical rules during processes,
  • Plans resources for effective use of resources and keeps up with technology,
  • Contributes to the country by creating employment,
  • Provides services with awareness of responsibilities to society and the environment and supports social responsibility projects.

The call center management system is regularly and systematically audited and reviewed, necessary resources are provided, and efforts are made for its continuity with continuous improvement.
Tempo BPO has held the ISO 18295_1 certificate since 2014.